Hybrid Dental Implant Prosthesis in Palm Beach, FL

Hybrid Dental Implant Prosthesis in Palm Beach, FL

Full Arch Permanent Implant Teeth

Restore your Smile with Implant Retained Dentures (Hybrid Dentures)

For patients missing multiple teeth in an arch, finding an appropriate replacement can be difficult. We provide hybrid dental implants that allow patients to enjoy the best of both dentures and dental implant restorations.

Hybrid Dental Implants: A Smart Solution for Tooth Replacement

Missing multiple teeth in an arch does more than impact aesthetics. Healthy teeth roots stimulate the jaw bone, stabilizing the foundation needed to keep teeth secure in the smile. When teeth are extracted or go missing, the bone slowly deteriorates through a process known as resorption.

If left untreated, jaw resorption can cause:

  • Changes in dental alignment
  • Compromised bite strength
  • Facial sagging
  • Loosening teeth and additional tooth loss

Traditional dentures offer a full and affordable solution, but the long-term impact of dentures on the gums and jaw can cause significant oral health issues in the future. While dental implants certainly provide a more forward-thinking restoration, the cost of replacing multiple teeth with singular implants may not be possible for every smile.

As a combination treatment, hybrid dental implants offer the stability and health benefits of dental implants with the coverage and ease of dentures, creating the ideal teeth replacement solution. With this treatment, minimal implant posts are strategically placed throughout the arch to support your denture.

Once placed, patients are fit for their new full-arch teeth replacement. The restoration used with hybrid dental implants does not consist of unnecessary or bulky plastic, leaving the palate clear, compared to traditional dentures. By the end of treatment, patients are able to enjoy a fully restored, natural looking smile.

Who is a Candidate for Hybrid Dental Implants?

As treatment calls for the placement of traditional dental implants, patients are carefully evaluated to determine if they are candidates for hybrid dentures. Our goal is to conserve as much of your natural smile as possible. We recommend hybrid dental implants for patients who are missing most if not all the teeth in an arch. Patients who have previously used dentures are also excellent candidate for hybrid implant dentistry.

Learn More about Hybrid Implants Today!

With hybrid dental implants, patients can enjoy a long lasting tooth replacement that contributes to the longevity of their smile. Call or email us today! Dr. Josephs 561-832-4675 www.palmbeachdentist.com

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