Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Palm Beach, FL

Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Palm Beach, FL

At Dr. Mitchell Josephs, we strive to provide you with the very best dental care in Palm Beach, Fl.

When it comes to extracting a wisdom tooth, or what it is, the removal of one or all of your four wisdom teeth, has become one if not the most common dental-oral surgeries performed today. Permanent wisdom teeth of the adult are taken from the socket in the alveolar bone from your jaw that is located at the very back corners in your mouth, bottom, and top.

Your wisdom teeth are called your third molars and erupt the last of all your permanent teeth. They usually appear in the teen years and can continue into the mid-‘20s.
Your wisdom teeth can develop fine, but then erupt abnormally and cause you fits with dental problems, or not ever appear. The wisdom tooth’s development can be watched through x-rays, Dr. Mitchell Josephs might recommend that you have before your wisdom tooth extraction as they are coming through if there is a problem that has been detected.

Majority of wisdom tooth extractions are recommended because:

  • Small Mouth: There is not enough room in the jaw for the wisdom teeth.
  • Wrong Angle: The wisdom teeth will at times come out at the wrong angle or direction and can cause some problems with your other teeth.
  • Gum Disease or Decay: Can’t reach your back teeth with a toothbrush or floss and can cause cavities. If bacteria can get trapped under the gum tissue, then periodontal disease can occur.
  • Dental Impaction: Wisdom teeth will not erupt all the way or sometimes not at all sometimes because of the blockage from your other teeth, and it can cause pain and infection.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Symptoms you might encounter with an impacted wisdom tooth might include:

  • Nasty taste in the mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Hard to open your mouth
  • Tender and bleeding gums
  • Jaw swelling and pain
  • Swollen and red gums

Complications caused by Impacted Wisdom Teeth

An impacted wisdom tooth can be painful, but it can bring on several other troubles as well:

  • Dental Cyst: it can form around your tooth and cause it to be displaced, destroy your bone, and then start damaging the surrounding gums and teeth.
  • Damage to surrounding teeth and bone: Having an impacted tooth can cause it to keep pushing against the other teeth around it and cause damage to the teeth around it.
  • Orthodontic crowding: Your front teeth could look crowded because your wisdom teeth have pushed the nearby teeth out of their position. It can also cause complications with other orthodontic procedures.
  • Gum and Bone Disease: A wisdom tooth that has become impacted will protrude through the gums and start an infection, cause swollen red gums, swelling, jaw stiffness, and pain.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction – A Preventive Measure

at Dr. Mitchell Josephs might recommend that your wisdom tooth is removed as a preventative measure, especially so when the x-rays reveal a possible problem. Having the wisdom teeth removed early can help by:

  • Not having swollen, red gums that are caused by the molar coming through partially.
  • Not getting a gum infection or disease.
  • Not having an impacted tooth with discomfort or pain.
  • Not having your remaining teeth become overcrowded.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure

Simple extraction of only one tooth could be done during a regular office visit, but most of the time, your oral surgeon will want to do this by surgical extraction; especially when the teeth are impacted or you are having several of your teeth removed at the same time. In most cases, the wisdom teeth will be removed by using IV sedation, which is also referred to as twilight sedation.

During the extraction procedure of your wisdom tooth, your doctor makes an incision in your gum tissue, exposing tooth and bone. If there is any bone in the way that will block access to the tooth, it will be removed. The wisdom tooth will probably be cut into little sections so it can be removed easier.

After the procedure of having the wisdom tooth extracted, the site is cleaned out, and sometimes stitches are placed, although not every extraction will need stitches. They will then put gauze over the extraction site to help with clot formation to control bleeding and avoid a dry socket.

If you needed stitches, Dr. Mitchell Joseph will tell you when to come back for them to be removed if they are not the kind that dissolves. Usually, the next day after surgery regular activity can be resumed, and only minor restrictions that will involve strenuous activities.

Before you leave Dr. Mitchell Josephs office that day, they will give you a list of instructions on how to care for your new extracted site, what to watch for with complications, how to assist in pain control from the extraction once you get home, and any medications he may want to prescribe for you for after home care.

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